Saturday, August 9, 2008

The war in Osetiya: a view from Russia.

The war in Osetiya: a view from Russia.


Not all media in the west, especially in the usa, in my opinion, convey objective information.

But published: "7 August 2008 After escalating Georgian-Ossetian clashes, sides agree to ceasefire; however Georgia launches a surprise attack".

I would recommend that you also read the Russian press to have information from both sides.
Here is the translated version:

And also:

Russia, Ossetians and Georgia - the fraternal peoples. What about - which of leaders is responsible for this crime, as well as my opinion ... I will leave my opinion in order to give you a chance to form your unbiased opinion including on the basis of articles at the Russian sites too, which you can read using any online translator.

Once again, many Western and US Media hides the facts. Few journalists can not always publish truthful unbiased information, even when so wish, and that we are seeing now, when this happens masse.

P.S. This is strange, but in osetiya now there is not one foreign journalist, no one. They are all in Georgia and transmit information on the basis that will hear from Georgian officials ... ... Is this correct?

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Blog Rush is Here

Sample post

Friday, January 4, 2008

I hope Santa uses the internet By iLove

Technorati Profile
Today i have found this post - source: I hope Santa uses the internet By iLove

"I hope Santa uses the internet By iLove

Dear Santa,

I am nineteen years old and have long forgotten the true meaning of Christmas, but I hope with this letter you'll send a miracle. My Dad is deathly ill with cancer. He is a Husband, Dad, Grandfather and Friend. Most importantly, he is one of the greatest men still alive on this planet. He is not my Dad by blood but took me in as his daughter, one of his little angels. It is too soon for him to leave this earth, but if it has to be so let him go in peace. Many people have forgotten the meaning behind Christmas and its tale of life and death. Nowadays it is mistaken for material gifts instead of the beauty of love and life. This holiday I hope everyone is thankful for the people they have in their lives and I am so lucky to be blessed with a Dad like mine.

Love always,

Daddy's Little Angel"

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Wednesday, January 2, 2008